Sunday, April 26, 2015

fail (verb): to fall short of sucess

This happened months and months ago, but I just discovered the pictures on my phone and they are so funny I had to share.

These pictures represent, I feel confident in saying, my single greatest cooking failure in the history of my marriage.

Now, I know that there are many kind, experienced cooks out there that are wanting to reach out through their compute screens and pat me on the shoulder right now and say, "Don't worry, Libby. Gingerbread is tricky. The cookies are really thin and they burn pretty easily. Don't beat yourself up about it. You'll do better next time." 

But here's the thing. 


Have a second look, this time thinking, that dough started off white

I know. I was a little awed, too. Truly a professional-grade burning job. All you have to do, really, is put a sheet of cookies in the oven, forget about them for an hour, then remember that the oven is on, turn it off, and leave the cookies in the oven til the next day when your son wants you to turn on the oven light and you wonder why you don't remember making gingerbread. It's very simple, although it does take time to achieve this quality of results. 

Munchkin was overjoyed to see cookies ... 

... but when he discovered it tasted exactly like charcoal he handed it off to Twinkle.

Brotherly love, right there. 

Don't forget about our adoption fundraiser! You could win a beautiful scarf and you'd be helping a wonderful cause!The deadline to be entered in our giveaway is May 3rd. For more details, go here.

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